Q: If you use the AE in the layer-> time stretch to extend the material broadcast time, the key frame will be stretched.
Will the measures in place to lengthen the material in the key frame at the same time and will not shift?
A: ctrl alt T to get the
Q: AE While it is possible to achieve by reducing the time value effect of accelerated movement, whether as to the marquee all keyframes maya scaling to adjust the speed directly, so to avoid the material itself change?
A: marquee all the key frames, hold down the alt key to drag the last frame can be achieved
(newbie problems please see here) and then ask questions!
After Effects FAQ operation
Q: AE single-frame picture of how the output?
A: Ctrl Alt S
Q: MASK of such a scaling?
A: Ctrl Alt drag
Q: AE of why can not import sequence file?
A: Chinese directory may also be the file name does not
Q: VCD DAT file can not import in AE how to do?
A: put the *. DAT, change * . MPG to
Q: Adding a 3D layer, Render 3D effects did not come out?
A: No added Camera
Q: AE in the output of a sound card, a card, but the normal preview ?
A: generally because of the input audio file is MP3 format, but is not a standard MP3 compression format, resulting in AE output error, the problem also exists in PR among the solution: a file with the rotation of other audio software into standard WAV format.
Q: AE import PSD files do Shine effect is limited by file size, how to solve?
A: Create a Null Object, and then press Ctrl Shift C COMP or combined into a new a comp, the comp now you can put to
Q: AE in the text shaking effect of what to do?
A: with a displacement of a few key frames and then repeatedly copied these key frames on the line
Q: AE for some material to be cut to different layers?
A: Ctrl Shift D
Q: AE how to add more text to a layer of special effects?
A: before the construction of each additional effects a Solid Layer Q: If you use the AE in the layer-> time stretch to extend the material broadcast time, the key frame will be stretched. Will the measures in place in the elongated material at the same time the key frame will not shift?
A: ctrl alt T to get the
Q: AE While it is possible to achieve by reducing the time value effect of accelerated movement, whether as to the marquee all keyframes maya scaling to adjust the speed directly, so to avoid the material itself change?
A: marquee all the key frames, hold down the alt key to drag the last frame can be achieved
Q: Why are half of the preview automatically stop?
A: The length of your preview memory is proportional to, if memory runs out, the preview will automatically stop.
Solution: 1, add memory
2, reduce the preview quality
3, set the virtual memory size
Q: How do Photoshop files can be imported by layer sequence?
A: As long as when importing a file in the Import As can select Compostion.
Q: How to blur the edge of the video?
A: After adding a set its Mask Mask Feather property can be.
Q: How can I quickly applied the same effects on different layers?
A: You can effects, then save it to favorites, so that you can choose the other layer by right clicking on the Recent Favorite Effect to add special effects.
Q: How to preview in edit mode sound?
A: activation TimeLine panel, press the keyboard files directly in the AE in the File / Export AVI output generated what is the difference?
A: Export is mainly to maintain compatibility with some external Codec format, and output needs of a number of other settings. For example, you can use AE output type of Flash SWF files, you can output QuickTime files. Export in many software have similar features, you can export some special format, but the process of export operations less necessary. In Export, when the current directly by AE The state of the output,
such resolution is now the half, the video quality does not meet Best, and field settings, etc., etc..
and because they do not use the AE's Render Queue, you can not render queue management, etc. advanced rendering.
generated by Export AVI format, which is also optional Codec very little of.
Q: What is pixel aspect ratio and frame aspect ratio difference?
A: Frame aspect ratio refers to the image frame width and height ratio. pixel aspect ratio is the width and height pixel ratio. TV standards determine the TV screen width / height ratio of 4:3 (later to be 16 : 9 a). Why did you choose when D1/DV PAL format, the default ratio is 1.07 pixels, select NTSC D1 standard time, the default ratio is 0.9 pixels? It is PAL format because the actual size is 768? 576, NTSC format of the actual size is 640? 486, but the hardware manufacturers in order to create a convenient, unified into D1/DV PAL 720? 576 and NTSC 720? 486. But the PAL system, but this picture of the actual broadcast 720 is narrower than the 768 Some, in order to make the 720 and 768 as wide as the screen, the only way is to lengthen the number of pixels. pull how much? 768/720 = 1.067! about 1.07.NTSC standard Likewise, 640/720 = 0.89, about 0.9. But for video output, we can use the same frame pixel aspect ratio and different than, for example, I just said NTSC D1 standard frame aspect ratio is 4:3 pixel ratio is 0.9, if you choose is NTSC 640x480, or 4:3 aspect ratio frame, but the ratio is 1 pixel, that is using square pixels
Q: how to achieve the reverse playback?
A: In the Time Layout window, right click and select Stretch, regulation Stretch Factor for the -100% to.
Q: how to eliminate the synthesis of lag when playing video Dungan?
A: Avi Settings when video output is set to Video for the DV-PAL.
Q: How to avoid the use of Divx Mpeg4 Avi file, the output of the frame-skipping phenomenon?
A: When using the Divx Mpeg4 There are two important parameters to set: a data transfer rate, and the other is the maximum interval between key frames . to avoid the jump phenomenon, it should be noted in the compression not set too high data transfer rate, while the maximum interval between key frames should be the appropriate setting.
Q: What is the Gridlron X-Factor? how can be It?
A: Gridlron X-Factor is the Adobe After Effects 6.5, a new rendering technology. Unlike in the works with multiple CPU provide a framework for the final, Gridlron X-Factor using the CPU in the network work to improve AdobeAfter Effects 6.5 Working speed. Adobe After Effects 6.5 Professional Edition users can download grid rending plug-in. URL: www.gridironxfactor.com / download.
Q: What is Synthetic Aperture's Color Finesse? How can get it?
A: After Effects 6.5 (Standard Edition and Professional Edition, retail version and upgrade version) including Synthetic Aperture's Color Finesse color correction system professional. to 32-bit color space, based in the HSL, RGB, CMY, and YCbCr color space for color correction. You can adjust the image color scale, curves, and can preview the oscilloscope. Color Finesse in After Effects 6.5 installation CD, when necessary, can be installed when necessary.
Q: After Effects whether to support Hyperthreading and Multiprocessors?
A: After Effects to Multiprocessors using Hyperthreading support.
Q: how to maintain support for the latest updates After Effects?
A: you can subscribe to Adobe at www.adobe.com / suppot / emaillist.html on the e-mail statement released by Adobe technology, learn about new technologies, updating software and other information. After Effects forum users can achieve Internet users with real .www.adobe.com / support / forums / main.html .
Q: After Effects can with the professional growth of demand for more perfect?
A: In the Standard and Professional to choose between, and an open style of construction is the third part of the development of possible For example, Foundry, Digital Anarchy, Automatic Duck, Profound Effects, Synthetic Aperture, and After Effects Zaxwerks tightly integrated tools and work environment to complete the work. This means that there are ways to expand the range of choices involved, which is the other dynamic graphics production tool is difficult to achieve. After Effects plug-third part of the complete list see: www.adobe.com / products / plugins / afereffects.
Q: the beginning of the same software used for creating special effects for film titles and The visual effect plays an important role in commercial exchanges up?
A: Yes, completely. mm communication needs of consumers, employment and employee mm core of each job. the audience and the dynamic combination of animation communication is to get attention the best way to get feedback. Adobe After Effects to make high-quality dynamic images, visual effects into a viable film and professional video production, suitable for network creators, video enthusiasts, and graphic designers and other related people. Whether you are engaged in creating dynamic images, websites, popular music, making videos, product demonstrations, sales model is to produce products or Adobe After Effects will give your work and life are a tremendous help.
Q: The screen is locked ..
A: off the Caps Lock key on the keyboard on the line
Q: When I installed the AE6.5, out of such a problem, making the time to copy new files, the system Tip Erro 1311.Source file not found: c: AE6.5 SETUP JAPANE ~ 1.cab. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.
no matter how safe are also not go !
A: Because only the English language installation package in the package, so installation choose br> A: Cancel Audio only (best to check whether the speaker is installed, the volume setting is turned on)
Q: How to output with the channel with the sound files and documents?
A: In the Out put / Video Output / Channels select RGB Alpha; voices check the Audio Output
Q: Why are half of the preview automatically stop?
A: Preview is proportional to the length of the memory with you, if you run out of memory, the preview will automatically stop.
Solution: 1, add memory
2, reduce the preview quality
3, set the virtual memory size
the most complete Chinese AE shortcut keys that 2007-05-10 23:08 Category: default new project Ctrl Alt N
Open Project Ctrl O
only open the project open the project window Shift-open the last open project
Ctrl Alt Shift P
Save Project Ctrl S
select the previous child choose the next child on the arrow under
open the selected image material item or synthetic material Double
window open in the AE double
activation recent videos Alt activated composite image < br> select subkey to the increasing activation of the synthesis of the recent image Ctrl /
composite image shows the settings selected Ctrl K
increase in the synthesis of selected images render queue window Ctrl Shift /
the introduction of a material file Ctrl i
file into multiple clips replace the selection Ctrl Alt i
layer image source material or synthetic material Alt drag the items from the project window to replace the synthetic image content files
set Ctrl H
explain the options Ctrl F
scanned material change in the material Ctrl Alt Shift L
reloading the material Ctrl Alt L
New Folder Ctrl Alt Shift N
recorded material interpretation Ctrl Alt C
Application material interpretation Ctrl Alt V
set the proxy file Ctrl Alt P
exit Ctrl Q
synthetic images, layers and materials in the open window, the window
cycle Ctrl Tab
Show / Hide title safe area and the action-safe areas '
Show / Hide Grid Ctrl '
Show / Hide symmetrical grid Alt '
centered active window Ctrl Alt
dynamically modified window Alt Drag the window to modify properties control
suspended Caps
label in the current window to cycle Shift, or Shift.
the label in the current window between the cycle and automatically adjusts the size of the Alt Shift, or Alt Shift.
snapshot (up to 4) Ctrl F5, F6, F7, F8
display snapshot F5, F6, F7, F8
clear snapshot of Ctrl Alt F5, F6, F7, F8
display channel (RGBA) Alt 1,2,3,4
with color display channel (RGBA) Alt Shift 1,2,3,4
with color display channel (RGBA) Shift-click channel icon
colored display the mask channel Shift-click the icon
ALPHA channel display window and the panel
project window Ctrl 0
project process view F11
Render Queue window Ctrl Alt 0
Toolbox Ctrl 1
Information panel Ctrl 2
Time Control Panel Ctrl 3
audio panel Ctrl 4
show / hide all panels Tab
General Preferences Ctrl
new synthetic image Ctrl N
Close active tab / window Ctrl W
close the active window (all tags) Ctrl Shift W
close the active window (except the project window) Ctrl Alt W
time layout window to the work area start moving
to the work area to the front end of the Shift End
a key frame can be seen to be seen, after a key frame K
to the previous time stamp visible layer or keyframe Alt J
to post a visible layer time stamp or key frames to the composite image Alt K
time stamp on the main keyboard scroll 0 --- 9
time layout window layers to the top of the X
scroll the current time marker to the center of the window D
to the specified time Ctrl G
composite image, time, layout, material and layer windows mobile
to the beginning of Home or Ctrl Alt Left arrow to the end of
End or Ctrl Alt Right Arrow
forward a Page Down or left arrow
forward ten Shift Page Down or Ctrl Shift Left Arrow
back a Page Up or the right arrow
back ten Shift Page Up or Ctrl Shift right arrow
entry point to the layer to layer i
approaching the point of entry to the key sub-frame, time stamp, into the point and the point of dragging the child
Shift indicates
Start / stop playback from the current point in time space
preview audio. (numeric keypad)
RAM preview 0 (numeric keypad)
every one of the RAM Preview Shift 0 (numeric keypad) < br> Save RAM preview Ctrl 0 (numeric keypad)
fast video Alt drag the current time marker
fast audio Ctrl drag the current time frame marked
preview Alt 0 (numeric keypad)
wireframe preview rectangle when the alternative alpha profile Ctrl Alt 0 (numeric keypad)
preview frame to retain window contents Shift Alt 0 (numeric keypad)
preview rectangle to retain window contents Ctrl Shift Alt 0 ( numeric keypad)
layer unless you select the command for all layers
synthetic images, layers and materials in the editor window copy Ctrl C
copy Ctrl D
Cut Ctrl X
Paste Ctrl V
Undo Ctrl Z
redo Ctrl Shift Z
Select all Ctrl A
cancel all options Ctrl Shift A or F2
layer, synthetic images, folders, the effect changed its name Enter ( numeric keypad)
edit the original application subkey (only material window) Ctrl E
synthetic images and the time window in the layout on the top layer of operating
Ctrl Shift]
to the premise of a Level Shift]
back put a Shift [
on the final surface Ctrl Shift [
down arrow to select the next layer Ctrl Ctrl
select a layer by layer number on the arrow to select
Layer 1 --- 9 (numeric keypad)
cancel all layers Select Ctrl Shift A
lock the selected layer Ctrl L
release of all layers of the selected Ctrl Shift L
split the selected layer Ctrl Shift D
activated composite image window
in the layer window to display selected layers Enter (numeric keypad)
Show Hide video Hide Ctrl Shift Alt V
Ctrl Shift V
other video display options the effect of layer control window Ctrl Shift T or F3
time in the synthesis of the layout of the image window and the window conversion
open source layer double-layer
Alt image window is not in the synthesis of scaling layer Ctrl drag handle Drag the layer
approximation in the synthesis of the image window and the center layer to the frame side drag layer
Alt Shift Approximation grid conversion Ctrl Shit ''
approximation guide transform Ctrl Shift;
pull extension layer for synthetic image window Ctrl Alt F
layer reverse playback Ctrl Alt R
set into the point [
set the entry point]
clip level entry point Alt [
clip layer the point of Alt]
time re-mapping the selected layer Ctrl Alt T
switch the quality setting set to best quality Ctrl U
draft Ctrl Shift U
set quality frame Ctrl Shift U
create a new layer Ctrl Y
show solid solid layer re-set the Ctrl Shift Y
layer Ctrl Shift C
entry points set by the time extension Ctrl Shift,
setting out the points by the time extension Ctrl Alt,
constrained rotation in increments of 45 degrees Shift tool to drag the rotation along the X axis or
constraint Y axis Shift drag the layer
reset rotation angle of 0 degrees Double-click rotation tool
reset Double-click the zoom 100% zoom tool
synthetic images, layers of space and material window zoom zoom
zoom to 100% of the main keyboard / or double-click zoom tool
zoom in and change the window Alt. or Ctrl on the keyboard =
the main narrow and change the window Alt, or Ctrl on the main keyboard -
zoom to 100% and changes in the main window Alt on the keyboard /
zoom window Ctrl
adapted to monitor the zoom window Ctrl Shift
window centered Shift Alt
zoom window to adapt to the window Ctrl Alt
image to enlarge, window unchanged Ctrl Alt =
image reduction, the window unchanged Ctrl Alt -
time layout window of time to frame the view zoom zoom
enlarge the time the main keyboard =
reduce the time on the main keyboard -
time to view the layer properties window layout anchor point A
audio waveform audio-level effect of E
mask feather mask shape M
opacity mask opacity T
position P
rotation R
time re-mapping RR
Zoom S
show all values of U
animation set in the dialog box layer property values (and P, S, R, F, M together) Ctrl Shift shortcut properties
Alt Shift-click the hidden attribute
up the properties attribute name attribute name
slider Alt-click Add / Remove Shift-click property name attribute
switches / modes conversion F4
to change the settings for all selected layers Alt-click to open an opaque layer switch
dialog box Ctrl Shift O
Open dialog box Ctrl Shift Alt Tab A
time layout window settings for the workspace to set the current time
work area marked as the beginning B
set the current time marked the end of N
set the work area work area for the selected layer Ctrl Alt B < br> not selected layer, set the length of the work area for the synthetic image Ctrl Alt B
time layout window, modify the key frame set keyframes
speed Ctrl Shift K
set keyframe interpolation Ctrl Alt K
add or remove a key frame (the timer is turned on) or turn the timer time-varying property of the shortcut keys Alt Shift to select a property
all key frames click on property name to add an effect
all the key frames to the current critical frame selection Ctrl-click the key frame effects were
approximation to the specified time frame
Shift key drag to move forward frame by frame Alt key right arrow key
backward frame by frame Alt left arrow
Move forward ten Shift Alt key frame right arrow key frame backward
ten Shift Alt Left Arrow
in the choice of all visible layers, select the key frames Ctrl Alt A
visible to the previous key Frame J
to be seen after a key frame K
linear interpolation and automatic switching between interpolation Bezer Ctrl-click to change automatically Bezer keyframe interpolation
continuous Bezer drag keyframe interpolation handle
Hold keyframe conversion Ctrl Alt H or Ctrl Alt-click the handle
continuous Bezer keyframe interpolation between interpolation and Bezer conversion Ctrl key frame dragging handles
Easy easy F9
Easy easy entry point Alt F9
Easy easy points Ctrl Alt F9
a composite image and the time the layout of the middle window to specify the precise operating
direction arrow
a pixel layer layer 1 degree rotation (numeric keypad) < br> rotate layer -1 degrees - (numeric keypad)
zoom level 1% Ctrl (numeric keypad)
narrow layer of 1% Ctrl - (numeric keypad)
move, rotate, and scale variation was 10 Shift Shortcuts
layer fine-tuning the current zoom rate is based on the pixel basis, rather than the actual pixels.
composite image composite image of the operating window
Show / Hide Guides Ctrl;
lock / reference line lock release Ctrl Alt Shift;
Show / Hide Rulers Ctrl R
change the background color set to Ctrl Shift B
composite image for the full Ctrl J
resolution synthetic image resolution is set to Half Ctrl Shift J
set the image resolution of synthetic Quarter Ctrl Alt Shift J
composite image resolution is set to Custom Ctrl Alt J
synthetic image flow chart view window Alt F11
layer mask operation
elliptical mask set for the entire window, double-click the Ellipse tool
rectangular mask set for the entire window, double-click the rectangle tool
in the free transform mode, zooming around a center point selection mask Ctrl drag
all points on the Alt Click the double-mask mask mask
Free Transform Free Transform
launch mode Enter
composite image mask and mask the actual layout of the window mask shape defined operating
Ctrl Shift M
define a mask feather mask set Ctrl Shift F
reverse Ctrl Shift I
new mask Ctrl Shift N
effect control window, select the operating
effect on a select arrow
effect of the down arrow next
expansion / volume effect of income level on the control `
remove all effects Ctrl Shift E
increase in effect control the effects of key frames Alt-click the attribute name contains the layer of synthetic activated
image window
effect of the application of a favorite application Ctrl Alt Shift F
an effect on the Ctrl Alt Shift E
synthetic images and actual layout of the window, set the layer using the mask
time stamp * ( numeric keypad)
clear layer Ctrl-click marker
time stamp to mark the time before a visible layer or keyframe Alt J
to the next visible layer or key frame time stamp to the synthetic image Alt K
time stamp 0 --- 9 (numeric keypad)
set at the current time and number of a composite image time stamp Shift 0 --- 9 (numeric keypad)
Render Queue window
make a movie Ctrl M
Activate the recent activation of the synthetic images
increased activation of the composite image to the Render Queue window Ctrl Shift /
output in the queue name without copying child Ctrl D
save frame Ctrl Alt S
Open the rendering of out the window Ctrl Alt O
selection tool kit rotary tool W
Rectangle Tool Ellipse Tool Q
pen tool after the move tool G
zoom tool hand tools (using Alt narrow) Z
convert from the selection tool to hold down the Ctrl
pen tool to convert from the pen tool to select the tool hold down the Ctrl
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